The Benefits of Writing Morning Pages, from Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way


In the whirlwind of modern life, carving out moments for self-reflection and creativity can often feel like an elusive pursuit. Amidst the demands of work, family, and the constant buzz of technology, the voice of our inner artist can be easily drowned out. But there exists a simple yet profound practice that has the potential to awaken our creativity, and bring clarity to our thoughts. This practice is called “morning pages,” as introduced by Julia Cameron in her influential book and self-led course, "The Artist's Way."

First published in 1992, The Artist’s Way has met many individuals at crossroads or transition phases of their lives, to check in with themselves and choose direction. My own experience with the practice of has been enlightening. Now, halfway into the 12-week course, I am no longer surprised when people I meet say something like “The Artists’s Way changed my life.”

As a creative business owner, I feel lucky to pursue creative inspiration regularly. Yet my personal creative practice had been undirected, unclear, sometimes intermittent. Now, feel more confidence about what I want to pursue. And I know that my own creative practice is worth prioritizing, because it positively feeds and informs every other important aspect of my life.

While there is much to The Artist’s Way, morning pages are a key pillar of the course, something that individuals often continue long beyond the three month guideline. They have been the most transformative part for me so far. So we took some time to visualize their benefits of morning pages so that we can share them widely.

What are morning pages?

Imagine it is the early hours of the morning, you’ve just arisen and the world outside is still relatively calm and quiet. You pour a cup of coffee, and with a pen in hand and a blank page before you, you begin to write. Three pages of unfiltered thoughts, flowing freely from your mind onto the paper (or laptop). This is the essence of morning pages – a stream of consciousness daily ritual that holds the promise of self-awareness, and the potential for transformation and renewal.

In short, morning pages are (in the words of author Julia Cameron herself):

  • Three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing, done first thing in the morning

  • *There is no wrong way to do Morning Pages* They are not high art. They are not even “writing”

  • They are about anything and everything that crosses your mind– and they are for your eyes only

  • Capture your cloud thoughts; can be whining, grumpy, petty. Can be cheerful, pleasant, enlightening

  • Morning Pages provoke, clarify, comfort, cajole, prioritize and synchronize the day at hand

  • Do not overthink Morning Pages: just put three pages of anything on the page...and then do three more pages tomorrow

What are the benefits of morning pages?

Why is this practice so powerful? Again, in Julia Cameron’s words, morning pages help –

  • Clear your mind

  • Become acquainted with all the corners of your psyche

  • Put your negative thoughts on the page so they aren’t floating around your consciousness during the day

  • Meet your shadow and take it out for a cup of coffee

  • Farewell to life as you knew it, and an intro to life as it’s going to be

Over decades, practitioners have agreed that this simple practice can help unlock your inner knowing, and navigate life with greater sense of self, clarity and purpose.

What do you think? Are you convinced to open The Artist’s Way or to try morning pages?

– Leah Lavelle, Director, Urban Wild Studio


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